Seven in ten viewers see streaming as a great way to spend quality time with their family. Almost as many see it as an opportunity to take time for themselves. — AFP Relaxnews
Watching streaming content can sometimes be frowned upon because of its solitary nature. In the US, however, the practice is widely regarded as a time for sharing.
Seven in ten viewers see streaming as a great way to spend quality time with their family. Almost as many see it as an opportunity to take time for themselves.
Whether you're on your own or with others, streaming a movie isn't seen as a bad habit for a majority of Americans. Seven in ten viewers (71%) see this activity as a way of spending quality time with their family, according to the Tubi “The Stream 2024” report.*
“An hour of streaming is an hour of quality time. For many people, streaming creates shared moments, bringing people together and creating content communities,” the report explains.
But young people don't limit themselves to their family circle. More than half (54%) of Generation Z prefer to watch streaming content with people outside their household.
According to the report, this mode of consumption is perceived by these young people as a means of socialising. As such, 30% of them watch streaming content when visiting friends, while 21% don't hesitate to chat by text with loved ones while watching the same movie, even if they're not physically together. 13% do so on social media.
Streaming platforms had already sensed this phenomenon among consumers. “Watch party” features have been launched on streaming platforms such as Disney+ and Prime Video, enabling multiple viewers to watch TV shows or movies simultaneously.
While watching streaming content can help people bond, a good number of people (68%) view streaming as “me time”, self-care, or an opportunity to indulge in some alone time. This can be a way, according to Tubi's report, of taking control of your free time, sometimes leading to “revenge bedtime” – sacrificing sleep to stay awake as long as possible, so as to feel as though you're making the most of the day.
In fact, 52% of those surveyed prefer to watch streaming content at night, 29% say their schedule is too busy to watch programs during the day, and 27% see this as the only time to relax completely. – AFP Relaxnews
*The survey mentioned in this report was carried out in the US by The Harris Poll on behalf of Tubi, from Dec 22, 2023, to Jan 5, 2024, among 2,503 adults over the age of 18 who watch streaming video at least one hour a week. The quotes in the report come from a qualitative study conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Tubi in October 2023 among 22 members of Generation Z (18-26) and Millennials (27-42) who use three or more streaming services.