Rafizi criticised the news report on his official account on X. — AZLINA ABDULLAH/The Star
PETALING JAYA: Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli has denied claims that the security of the Central Database Hub (Padu) was breached following a news report alleging an attack by the notorious group R00tk1t.
The report claimed that the hacker group had stolen 27TB worth of data.
However, the report has since been updated, indicating that the screenshots posted by the hacker group on their Telegram account likely refer to the National Population and Family Development Board’s (LPPKN’s) Management and Service Delivery Unit, also known as Padu.
In a post on the social network X (formerly Twitter) yesterday, Rafizi stated that a statement would be released by PADUOfficial to deny the Padu data breach.
PADUOfficial posted today that the information in the news report is false and urged the public to stop spreading such false information.
ALSO READ: M'sians rush to register for Padu after launch, some delays reported
“The Central Database Hub (PADU) will not compromise the security of people’s data,” it posted on X.
R00tk1t, which issued a warning about targeting Malaysian Internet infrastructure on Jan 26, has actively posted screenshots purporting to show successful hacks.
LifestyleTech has reached out to the National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) for comments.
Maklumat ini adalah TIDAK BENAR. Orang ramai dinasihatkan untuk menghentikan penyebaran maklumat yang tidak sahih tersebut. Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) tidak akan kompromi keselamatan data rakyat.@rafiziramli pic.twitter.com/emjYG2E0Hv
— PADUOfficial (@paduofficial_) February 19, 2024