A belated but well-deserved honour
The legal community and the entire State of Sabah are rejoicing at the conferment of the title ‘Tun’ on retired Chief Justice Richard Malanjum.
A long journey of redemption
THE process of redemption to restore the rights of Sabah and Sarawak under the Federal Constitution and the Malaysia Agreement 1963 must be viewed as urgent.
Legal grounds for mandatory jabs
Public servants can avoid Covid-19 vaccination but may not be able to save their jobs.
Vision of a shared destiny
AS a student and teacher of constitutional law, what are my hopes and dreams for National Day on Aug 31 and Malaysia Day on Sept 16?My fervent hope is that in the years ahead, the curriculum of our institutions of learning, from secondary to tertiary, and the training modules at institutes like Intan (National Institute of Public Administration) and Ilkap (Judicial and Legal Training Institute) could incorporate a compulsory course on constitutional law to disseminate knowledge of the foundational principles of our document of destiny.
Bringing the Ordinances to an end
TOWARDS the end of July, a constitutional debate was raging about whether the Cabinet can revoke Emergency Ordinances promulgated by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Article 150(2B). The debate was triggered by some political events whose effect will reverberate in constitutional annals for a long time.
Time for parliamentary reform
THE much-awaited reconvening of the Dewan Rakyat materialised on Monday after a seven-month break since its last meeting on Dec 17, 2020. However, not much should be expected from this session as it is a special meeting under Standing Order 11(3) of the Dewan Rakyat, which permits the Prime Minister to choose the business to be transacted.
King’s powers and the Constitution
OUR Constitution has invested the Yang di-Pertuan Agong with vast powers and functions in the executive, legislative and judicial fields and in relation to Islam.
Literal vs liberal interpretation
It will not be appropriate to view the Constitution as if its waters have not been enriched by fresh flows.
An open letter to President Biden
MR President, when you were contesting the US presidency last year, many Malaysians hoped for your political triumph because that would end the shame your predecessor had brought to the presidency. Your victory gave hope that America was at the gateway of justice. In the aftermath of your election, some of your words and actions did indeed reflect your decency and humanity.
Democracy should include youth
JULY 2019 to September 2019 was a momentous period for our young citizens because, in response to several youth-led initiatives, the government in Parliament secured passage of the Constitution (Amendment) Act 2019 (Act A1603) to make the following four changes to our electoral laws
Building bridges, dismantling walls
NATIONS grow great through harmony and fall into oblivion through discord.
Safeguarding judicial independence
BERSIH 2.0 and the Bar Council organised a webinar last Monday on judicial independence. An incisive and well-researched report was presented and discussed by the panelists.