Going on holiday by car has the advantage that you can take a great amount of luggage with you and throw a (seemingly) endless number of items in your boot.
But if not properly stowed, bags, sports equipment and toys can pose a risk on a long car journey.
Here are some tips from the GTU, a German organisation which tests motor vehicle safety, on how to pack your car safely.
Start by putting the heavy stuff down the middle. The car’s centre of gravity is where the most weight is. The lower and more central the luggage is stored, the better. A higher centre of gravity is disadvantageous and can lead to an increased risk of tipping over in curves.
As a rule of thumb, heavy items of luggage should be placed at the bottom and middle of the trunk, with lighter items put on top.
Even if it creates more storage space, it’s best not to fold down the back seat as it serves as a partition between the load and the occupants. If you have an estate car with a roller blind for covering the boot, you should do so to keep the items in the back of the car.
If you pack high, a divider net installed directly behind the front seats can prevent objects from flying forward in the event of an accident. In a frontal crash at 50kph, a 20kg bag is thrown forward with the force of a projectile weighing 500 to 1,000kg.
Make sure your luggage is securely stowed, meaning loose objects won’t slip during emergency braking. Use tension straps to secure items, including those placed next to passengers. Many vehicles have extra lashing eyes that tension straps can be attached to.
If things don’t fit, you may need to sort through your luggage again. It’s best to think carefully before packing and consider what you really need to take. If an item is not strictly necessary, leave it at home. – dpa