When a Twitter user asked Telegram to tag WhatsApp for every time it releases a new feature so the Meta-owned company can catch up, Telegram responded: 'They already read our blog posts – what more can I do?' — AFP
Telegram took the opportunity to troll rival messaging platform WhatsApp after the latter announced a new long-awaited edit sent message feature.
On Twitter, Telegram posted ‘bruh’ along with a photo showing that it has enabled the edit messages feature since 2016. The photo also pointed out that WhatsApp took seven years to start rolling out the feature to its users.
The post now has over two million views.
When a Twitter user asked Telegram to tag WhatsApp for every time it releases a new feature so the Meta-owned company can catch up, Telegram responded: “They already read our blog posts – what more can I do?”
Telegram previously trolled WhatsApp when it announced that users can already easily transfer chat history from iOS to Samsung devices in 2021, adding that the feature will also be enabled for other devices soon.
Telegram responded to the announcement with a “What year is it?” GIF. It then shared a link to an earlier announcement that users can transfer chat history from apps like WhatsApp, Line and KakaoTalk to Telegram.
Telegram has also posted a photo of the ‘Dancing Funeral’ meme to troll WhatsApp when it announced an updated privacy policy to share user data with Facebook back in 2021.
The controversial announcement then prompted downloads for WhatsApp alternatives like Telegram and Signal to surge.
However, WhatsApp remains a popular app among users locally.
Back in March, Communications and Digital minister Fahmi Fadzil stated that it is the most-used social media platform in Malaysia for the past three years.
How to use edit messages
WhatsApp said that users can access the feature by pressing and then holding on a sent message for a menu to appear. Select “Edit” from the menu and they can either choose to correct a spelling mistake or add more text.
Users will get a 15-minute window to make edits on sent messages and edited messages will appear labelled as “edited”.