Reflecting On The Law

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Reflecting On The Law

Put Rukunegara at the core of govt

AUGUST 31 this year will be doubly sacred. Besides being the 63rd anniversary of Merdeka, it will be the 50th anniversary of our Rukunegara.

Reflecting On The Law

Can MPs hold positions in GLCs?

For Parliament to function well, legislators need to be independent of external pressure, including the temptations that the executive can offer. It boils down to the Federal Constitution’s definition of an office of profit.

Reflecting On The Law

Posers on constitutional position

ALL crises produce heroes or bystanders. Malaysia’s frontline workers of the Covid-19 catastrophe were rightly applauded as national heroes by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in his Royal Address to Parliament on May 18.

Reflecting On The Law

State defiance lacks legal basis

NINE out of the 13 states of the federation are not in sync with the Federal Government’s conditional movement control order (MCO).

Reflecting On The Law

Religion, reason can go hand in hand

We can’t go outside often because of the movement control order, but it doesn’t stop us from going deep inside ourselves to tap the power within.

Reflecting On The Law

Present constitutional dilemmas

Parliament should be convened immediately to show due respect to this august institution and comply with traditions of democracy to tackle these issues amid fight against Covid-19.

Reflecting On The Law

Pandemic rules and the law

Amid the Covid-19 crisis, the MCO has raised constitutional, legal and human rights issues.

Reflecting On The Law

Healing a fractured body politic

A lot of political juggling is required when a coalition forms a Cabinet. But what matters now is meeting the people’s expectations.

Reflecting On The Law

An overturning of popular will

The dizzying chain of political developments have raised a number of monumental constitutional issues.

Reflecting On The Law

Royal rule amid leadership change

The sagacity of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong can steer the nation through uncertainty if the PM post is vacated unexpectedly.

Reflecting On The Law

Improving the access to justice

THE administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government. Access to justice is, or should be, a fundamental right in a democratic society.

Reflecting On The Law

Build bridges and dismantle walls

A TUMULTUOUS year has come to a close and a new year and a new decade have rolled in. While we reflect on the many blessings that our nation continues to enjoy, let us also be conscious of the challenges ahead.

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