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On Your Side

Time to fix the capital city

If we’re not looking up, the unity government must have its eyes on the ground, especially within Kuala Lumpur, which will be celebrating its 49th anniversary on Feb 1.

On Your Side

Sadness amid year end festivities

JUBILATION and tragedy seem to go hand in hand when it comes to the month of December.

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It’s the mayor’s job to oversee KL

The capital city does not need a minister, just an effective mayor to solve its many woes.

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No more empty promises, it is time to deliver

GE14 showed us that politicians shouldn’t take voters for granted because the electorate has become increasingly demanding.

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A general election of many firsts

THE world is going through seismic changes.

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A proud Malaysian icon in London

AS the strains of Wau Bulan filled the chilly evening sky, many of the Malaysians present at the long-awaited launch of the Battersea Power Station were visibly moved.

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Fraud is a billion-ringgit business

A FRIEND sent me a screencap of a WhatsApp message purportedly from “Star Media managers” offering jobs with a monthly salary ranging from RM1,500 to RM24,000.

On Your Side

Aye for equal partnership

It’s Malaysia Day today and we can expect the usual platitudes from our politicians.

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Making life better for the Orang Asli

The government needs to come up with a comprehensive strategy to uplift Orang Asli communities.

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Finding the balance in ecotourism

Malaysia’s abundant nature attracts tourist dollars; as Selangor plans to develop the Kuala Selangor Nature Park, the forest reserve and ecology must be preserved.

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Bustling Bangkok bounces back

THE most visited city in the world has some tough choices ahead in the next few months.

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SOS for Shah Alam Stadium

A poor maintenance culture has caused the sports venue to be dilapidated but a proper development plan could transform it into a multipurpose hub.

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