All The Pieces Matter

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All the pieces matter

Anwar's first defining speech

The Prime Minister comes across as a man on a mission – one with something to prove.

All the pieces matter

Getting the right support

Ministers, take a step back, take a deep breath, then start by choosing the best possible support team.

All the pieces matter

A political formula to neutralise hatemongering

What would a Pakatan-PAS deal to lower political temperatures look like?

All the pieces matter

A new formula for unity

We have a historic opportunity to discard old political ways in favour of new ones where all of Malaysia’s leaders will fight against poverty, injustice and corruption instead of each other.

All the pieces matter

Threatening the MACC: Is Rafizi a statesman or a gangster?

Rafizi reacts to MACC investigation by saying he will ‘come look for’ Azam Baki if PH wins. Is this the culture we want?

All the pieces matter

The Art(icle) of The Deal

IT feels like the gamblers are going to be the ones having the most fun on Saturday (Nov 19), as we head into what feels like one of the most unpredictable elections in recent memory.

All the pieces matter

Navigating political divisiveness

HAVE you ever noticed how much elections divide us?

All the pieces matter

PSM's treatment undeserved

THEY say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat other people who have nothing to offer them.

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Political frogs turn on each other

The battle lines in GE15 are looking to be relatively unique, as far as Malaysian political history goes.

All the pieces matter

Westminster chaos – will Malaysia go the way of the UK?

Surely we need look no further for proof of this than the absolute chaos that has been engulfing British politics.

All the pieces matter

Legacies of leadership

Learning from the lives of Queen Elizabeth II, Mikhail Gorbachev and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

All the pieces matter

What can the election of Liz Truss teach us?

THE election of Liz Truss as the UK’s next prime minister calls to mind a noticeable trend worldwide of electing heads of government who aren’t, shall we say, what all would consider the sharpest tool in the shed.

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