KUANTAN: An e-waste factory in Mukim Bebar, Pekan was ordered to stop operations immediately on suspicion of operating illegally and causing air pollution on Saturday (Jan 18).
This followed an operation by the Pahang Department of Environment following complaints of the factory operating without a licence and causing air pollution in the surrounding area,
It said in a statement that the action was taken after the factory was suspected of being responsible for causing air pollution in the surrounding area, including the vicinity of the Kuantan-Segamat Highway.
The Department added that the factory was involved in the processing of electronic waste through the smelting method.
"In the operation, a foreign worker was detained by the Malaysian Immigration Department (JIM) for further investigation, and 54 tons of scheduled waste was confiscated by the Department,” it said, adding that the investigation was carried out under Section 34B of the Environmental Quality Act 1974. - Bernama