PUTRAJAYA: New terms are being drawn up to ensure developers abide by the policy requiring them to include the construction of affordable housing in their development plans, says the Prime Minister.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the existing policy where developers have to allocate a portion of their development to affordable housing would be reviewed.
“The policy seems not to be working according to the speed and scale that is required of the developers.
“I have asked the Local Government Development Minister to look again at the policy and impose new conditions.
“Why must it be just the government preparing affordable housing when we have developers building huge projects?
“It is partly their responsibility to build it,” he said when met after presenting keys to homeowners of the civil servants’ housing project at Precinct 18 here yesterday.
Under the National Housing Policy 2018-2025, every private housing development is required to dedicate 30% of its project to affordable housing. This policy has been in place since 1981.
In his speech, the Prime Minister said how the people would be affected by policies and approvals given to projects must be taken into consideration.
“If we can decide on projects that are worth billions involving luxury homes, we should also look into the need for affordable housing. We must always remember the importance of compassion and humanity,” he said.
Anwar said during his previous tenure in the government, there was a lot of interest in building and opening golf courses.
“When we asked for land for people’s housing projects, there was none, but there was land for golf courses.
“I pointed this out. While we do not want to prevent people from playing golf, I proposed for companies constructing major housing projects to provide space for affordable housing,” he said.
Development was not just about mega projects and malls, added Anwar.
“We must not tear down humanity in the quest for development. The rich must not ignore the plight of the less privileged. Some companies are raking in millions in profits, but their employees are earning minimum.
“This must not happen. The Madani concept, which this government is propagating, is one that is compassionate,” he added.