A hairdresser has revealed a quick and easy trick to get rid of frizz for a perfectly sleek look. Photo:
When it comes to getting sleek, smooth hair, it's essential to get rid of any frizz that can spoil such a style.
This is a major problem that a famous American hairstylist appears to have solved with the help of an everyday item that everyone has in their bathroom: a makeup brush.
Hair smoothed flat to the head has become a must-have hairstyle, from runways to street styles to social networks, but it's not easy for everyone to achieve.
While there are brushes specifically designed for smoothing, such as the boar bristle brush, these are not necessarily suitable for everyone, leaving frizz to spoil hairstyles prized for their impeccable finish.
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So how do you get the smooth, sleek look with not a hair out of place? Quite simply, with a makeup brush – a foundation brush, to be precise – and a little hairspray, as hairstylist Matt Newman reveals on TikTok.
In a video, Matt Newman (@mattloveshair) reveals his own technique that seems, for once, truly infallible.
The professional, who has tied his hair in a ponytail with a perfect parting in the middle of his head, first grabs a foundation brush and sprays it with hairspray. Nothing too complicated for now.
Then he simply runs the brush through his hair, from root to tip, flattening and smoothing out any frizz as he goes.
Not only does this tip get rid of flyaways in just a few minutes, without the need for expensive products, but it also guarantees perfectly smoothed-out all day long thanks to the use of hairspray.
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This isn't the first time that TikTok beauty fans have attempted to tackle frizz head-on, with tricks both original and zany.
One trick involved using dental floss to flatten unruly hair, while another recommended running aluminum foil through the hair to smooth it.
One thing that all these TikTok beauty hacks have in common is the trend to use one cosmetics or household product for something completely different. – AFP Relaxnews