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Through Many Windows

Let’s rewire for success

Redefining success: Choosing integrity over illusion in a temporary world.

On The Beat

Face it – social media platforms aren’t special

They make big money, act arbitrarily, and provide space where criminals can operate freely. It’s time social media platforms show social responsibility too.

The Star Says

National Service 3.0 just has to keep our kids safe

THERE’S about two months to go before National Service (NS) 3.0 begins. There’s also been lots of discussion about the latest version of the programme.


A downward spiral for Najib

It has been one setback after another for the former prime minister, with one side clamouring for him to be punished while his supporters claim that justice has not been served.


Club nights and parental frights

Discipline and common sense key to safe, coming-of-age parties.


Money and power at the right place

MY colleagues at the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas) in general welcomed the government’s Budget 2025.

Making Progress

Najib Razak – from leadership to scandal and beyond

MANY may agree that Datuk Seri Najib Razak was a leader of consequence.

So Aunty, So What?

Breaking the shield of evil-doers

Whether it’s fame, wealth or religion, none of these should be used to protect criminals or delay justice.

Pinang Points

Untruths put beach in bad light

IT upsets me to learn that psychologists have coined the phrase “doomsayer’s delight”, referring to satisfaction derived by pessimists from being right when something bad happens.