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40 years of trust and patience

MY wife Norhayati Yusof and I tied the knot – or in Islam, pronounced the akad nikah – on July 15, 1984. Yes, yesterday was our 40th anniversary, I am happy to say.

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Leading the way to a better Malaysia

ABOUT five years ago, I started talking about the idea of building a parallel Malaysia. Because after 20 years of watching, responding to, writing and reflecting academically on many issues of social mistrust and religious conflict, I got to thinking that Malaysia seems like a terribly ill patient.

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Sabah, Sarawak: ‘Unequal partners’?

A new book addressing how people in the two Bornean parts of Malaysia feel about the nation prompts the columnist to re-examine some issues.

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The mass education mess we’re in

Where are the innovative thinkers who can look beyond what we want now and dream of how to live in the future?

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What are we teaching our university students?

Incidents that should have rung alarm bells about how Malaysian university students think about this country are being ignored.

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Why do we let others measure us?

MALAYSIANS often react strongly to news about how the country is doing according to international performance indices in all sorts of areas, from education and press freedom levels to how happy we are.

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Don’t go chasing waterfalls

The columnist hopes his fellow Malaysians are not pursuing impossibilities and wishing for the wrong thing.

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Danger of thoughtless ‘free’ speech

TWO recent examples of the concept of “freedom of speech” prompted this week’s column.

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This Hari Raya, I ask forgiveness from all Malaysians for Islam and our nation

In today’s article, my wife and I - two Muslims born in Malaysia - would like to ask for forgiveness from all our Malaysian brethren, whether we know them or not, whether our paths have crossed or not.

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Whither a Malaysia for all?

The columnist bemoans what seems to be a striking return to divisive identity politics by a major component of the unity government.

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Six values to advance a community

The government can only do so much to uplift the bumiputra community. The rest is up to us, says the columnist, offering a path towards self-reliance.

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Improve with immersive language experiences

The columnist offers ideas on how to improve and increase the use of Bahasa Malaysia in vernacular and private schools.

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