All The Pieces Matter

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All the pieces matter

Confusing love for political lust

IN a weekend full of quotable quotes coming from the Umno general assembly, the quote that stuck most in my mind came from PAS secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan:  "I may have lost someone who didn’t love me, but you lost someone who truly loved you."

All the pieces matter

Principles before politics

Strong, formidable, convincing – until these words genuinely describe values, ideals, and principles, they will never describe numbers.

All the pieces matter

Umno’s journey and dilemma

It looks like Umno is the kingmaker du jour.

All the pieces matter

What lessons can we learn from PKR post-Xavier?

MY original plan today was to write about the 330 people who were fined RM10,000 - a truly excessive sum.

All the pieces matter

Stop bullying our frontliners!

Frontliners protect us. If people with money or power try to bully them, we must protect them.

All the pieces matter

A political earthquake… that no one noticed

THE breakup between Umno and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia has been likened to an “earthquake’ by some.

All the pieces matter

Enough of the old politics of dominance

UMNO supreme council member Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani was recently quoted in the press saying; "I am always of the opinion that the single largest party must either lead the government or the opposition. You cannot be somewhere in between. When you are somewhere in between, it will create lots of political instability."

All the pieces matter

1,200 lives at stake: Please don’t send them back

This month’s military coup in Myanmar shook the region.

All the pieces matter

Understanding arguments

What are we really fighting about?

All the pieces matter

Tommy Thomas, Anwar Ibrahim, and #BangsaMalaysia

What can we learn from the delicate dancing around the minefield of Malaysian racism?

All the pieces matter

Enough with double standards!

Here’s one question regarding the double standards of only requiring a three-day observation period for returning ministers.

All the pieces matter

Let’s have a better plan

The plan to fight Covid-19 needs to be more transparent, data-driven, and consistent.

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