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'I don't have any maternal instincts - is something wrong with me?'

Some women just never develop the urge to have children, and no, there’s nothing wrong with that.

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Bedsores: Why you really don't want to get this painful condition

These ulcers are caused when an area of skin is placed under pressure, usually when the patient is immobile.

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It's not just the liver that's a concern when it comes to too much alcohol

Overindulging in alcohol can give rise to a whole host of negative effects and consequences.

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Is my loved one an alcoholic? How to spot the signs

How to tell the difference between someone with an alcohol problem and someone whose drinking is controlled.

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Some fungal infections prey on immunocompromised individuals

Although uncommon, these fungi can infect vulnerable patients and be potentially fatal.

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Can a fungal infection really create zombies like in 'The Last of Us'?

The answer is yes, but fear not, no fungi can affect humans in that way.

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Here's how to allergy-proof your home

Keeping your house and furnishings extra clean might be the key to minimising your allergy attacks.

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When cold air causes allergies (or is it a cold?)

Yes, even the cold air from your air conditioner can trigger an allergic reaction!

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Aphasia: Learning how to communicate again

Bruce Willis’ recent aphasia diagnosis has put a spotlight on this somewhat rare disorder.

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What is aphasia, the language disorder that Bruce Willis is suffering from?

Aphasia is a language disorder caused by damage in a specific area of the brain that controls language expression and comprehension.

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Why have I been reinfected with Covid-19 despite being vaccinated?

Some people still get Covid-19 – sometimes, repeatedly – despite having been vaccinated and boosted against it.

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