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HPV and Oral Cancer
I hope to put Dr. G on the spot this week regarding the safety of oral sex. My wife and I have been sexually active throughout our marriage.
Regrets and lessons after genital warts
I am a thirty-year-old man who is recently engaged and planning to marry before Christmas. The revelation of my recent diagnosis has left me devastated, and I hope you don't mind my remaining anonymous.
Empty nest syndrome: Get a vasectomy reversal?
Dear Dr. G, I am a man in my mid-forties and have been married for the last 25 years. My wife and I were childhood sweethearts, and we got married after college.
Choosing between male and female sterilisation
Dear Dr. G, As the theme of this month revolves around contraception, I find myself compelled to ask for your guidance regarding sterilisation.
On vasectomies and sexual performance
With your ongoing series on male sterilisation, I'd like to ask about vasectomies. My husband and I have two children, both delivered via caesarean section due to complications.
No pain but all gains in getting a vasectomy
I am a happily married man with a healthy sexual appetite.
Seeking an understanding on gender reassignment
I've been reading your articles on the topic of Intersex with great interest.
Seeking clarity on hypospadias and intersex conditions
Dear Dr. G, I've been following your recent articles on ambiguous gender with interest. I wasn't aware of the condition of being intersex, where even the basic definition of male or female is unclear.
A closer look at gender ambiguity
I WAS interested in your article last week about the ambiguous genitalia caused by excessive male hormones in girls.
Sexual ambiguity a hereditary condition
I am a new mother in my mid-forties. Despite warnings from obstetricians before I got pregnant, I was determined to have a child.
Ending vaping and smoking for erectile strength
Dear Dr. G, I understand you are featuring pollutants that can cause erectile dysfunction in July and I agree with your earlier articles highlighting the undisputed links between smoking and erectile dysfunction.