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Everything, everywhere,all at once

It’s a jumbled-up jungle out there, and all we need is consistency – especially from our leaders – to help us cope, says the writer.


Double trouble

We all have a doppelgänger – the person we present to the world and the person we really are. It’s only when people’s different personae clash that we need to be wary.


Walking the talk

We should do as we preach and be kind to others, especially those taking refuge in our country, says the writer. There is nothing to lose.


Keep calm and carry on fasting

Perhaps it would benefit us all if every time we felt hurt or insulted, especially this Ramadan, we took a moment and asked ourselves ‘What would the Prophet do?’, says the writer.


Faith in justice

The Federal civil and criminal courts may not be perfect, but we have a running chance at being dealt with justly should we come before them, says the writer.


Not a zero-sum game

Concern and advocacy for a global cause does not deprive our own backyard of the same energy to do good, says the writer.


Scourge of our times

There is a chilling blood lust within the Israeli government whose murderous intentions are being supported without any qualms by their overseas supporters.


No pause for the Palestine cause

And when we see what is happening when an entire people are denied their human rights and dignity, does it make us reflect on how we uphold the same rights for ourselves and everyone around us, asks the writer.


The language of violence

A vital lesson from the Israel-Palestine conflict is that we need to be careful, even in our own country, how we speak about other human beings.


Irrational cruelty

There are more good people than bad in this world. But why do some people make it difficult for those who want to do good?


For a shiny, happy Malaysia

Most Malaysians want to be able to forget all of the noise and negativity and simply be happy, even if only temporarily, says the writer.


Own goal?

Often, pandering to others instead of standing up for our principles will only give our opponents more ammunition to take us down, says the writer.

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