PUTRAJAYA: The government has agreed to provide diesel subsidies to ferry, passenger boat, and roll-on roll-off (roro) ferry operators on the main islands starting Jan 1.
Transport Minister Anthony Loke said that around 40 operators are expected to benefit.
He said eligible operators can submit start submitting claims on or before Feb 20.
"The capped price for subsidised diesel for ferries, passenger boats, and roro ferries on the main islands is set at RM2.50 per litre, with a maximum subsidy rate of 50 sen per litre," he said at a press conference here on Friday (Dec 20).
he added that the subsidy would be for strategic routes, namely in Labuan, Langkawi, Pulau Pangkor, Pulau Ketam, Pulau Tioman, Pulau Redang and Penang.
"This subsidy is in line with the Madani government’s commitment to ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of public transport services," he said.
Among the conditions for applying for the diesel subsidy are that operators must be registered with the Marine Department and must obtain diesel from a bunker or skid tank company, approved by the relevant authorities.
Eligible operators must submit a diesel purchase quota application to the Diesel Subsidy Approval Committee at the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry.
In addition, diesel subsidy claims must be made monthly based on the rates set by the Finance Ministry each month, with the necessary documentation certified by the Marine Department and submitted to Finance Ministry, along with a copy to the nearest customs station for verification, no later than the 20th of the following month. - Bernama
Loke said that while the subsidy aims to ease operational costs, it is the operators' responsibility to ensure service quality and safety are enhanced to provide more efficient and competitive services to users.