KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) will get new terminals and increased capacity to accommodate the ever-increasing number of passengers, says the Transport Ministry.
It said several terminal expansion projects based on the KLIA Masterplan are being considered through Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB).
Among the proposals for long-term expansion are phased upgrade projects for both Terminal 1 (T1) and Terminal 2 (T2).
This would see T1’s capacity nearly double from 30 million passengers per annum (mppa) to 59 mppa while T2’s capacity would increase from 45 mppa to 67 mppa.
“MAHB is also considering the development of a fourth runway and a new Terminal 3 (T3) in the future," it said in a parliamentary written reply dated Wednesday (Dec 11).
“Combined, this long-term expansion plan is expected to increase KLIA’s capacity to 140 mppa as well as the number of aircraft movements per hour from 108 to 154,” it added.
The ministry said MAHB was also looking to add two new dedicated terminals, a pay-for-use private and premium terminal (PPT) and a haj and umrah terminal.
It said the PPT could accommodate up to 100 passengers seeking premium airport at any one time, and is expected to begin operations sometime next year.
The haj and umrah terminal will have a planned capacity of five mppa.
“Once the terminal is (operational), pre-clearance immigration checks by the Saudi Arabian government will be conducted at KLIA.
“This will save passengers' time at any destination airport, including the King Abdulaziz International Airport in Saudi Arabia.
“However, this proposal can only be implemented by MAHB subject to approval from the Saudi Arabian government for granting pre-clearance facilities,” it added.
The ministry said these long-term plans were still conceptual and would require further review by MAHB before being finalised.
On short-term solutions, the ministry said MAHB had initiated several optimisation initiatives to increase T1 capacity, which it hopes to implement by the end of this year.
They include the relocation of new airlines from T1 to T2, new self-service check-in kiosks, self-service bag drop-offs, the addition of 20 new auto gates (10 in T1 and 10 in T2), kerbside traffic management and improved foreign worker management.
“MAHB is also planning to appoint consultants to review the T1 Optimization Plan, specifically its passenger processing facilities.
“(The consultants) will then identify the potential for additional capacity to meet short-term needs,” it said.
Fong Kui Lun (PH-Bukit Bintang) had asked about the government’s short- and long-term plans to improve or expand KLIA to strengthen its position as a regional and international aviation hub.