Hail Idrus needs your help to hear the world. Support his journey towards life-changing cochlear implants through Star Foundation’s fund appeal.
UNKNOWN to his parents, one-year-old Hail Idrus had been living in silence for the past year, unable to hear anything.
The youngest of five siblings from Kuching, Sarawak, was born seemingly healthy to his parents Arman Ramali and Missie Bolie.
His family envisioned a bright future for him but the dream was shattered after a routine medical check-up at a local hospital.
He was diagnosed with bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss, a condition affecting approximately 1.5% of babies under three months old in Malaysia.
This condition presents a significant challenge to speech and language development, posing serious obstacles for his future.
Despite months of using high-power hearing aids, the little boy’s world remained silent.
“I dream of the day my son can grow up just like any child,” said Missie.
Sarawak General Hospital otolaryngology head and neck surgery senior consultant Dr Tang Ing Ping said sensorineural hearing loss can affect one or both ears and in the case of Hail Idrus, both his ears are profoundly impaired.
Further testing, including High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) scans of his temporal bone and brain MRI, revealed structural abnormalities in Hail Idrus’ cochlear nerves.
This has led doctors to conclude that cochlear implantation is his only hope for restoring his ability to hear.
The cost of the two required cochlear implants is RM125,000, a sum far beyond the family’s means.
Arman, the sole breadwinner, works as a courier officer and earns about RM1,700 per month, barely enough to support his family of seven in their modest home in Kampung Siol Kandis, Kuching.
“We are already struggling to make ends meet in our current financial situation. Sometimes, we even have to ration our food.
“We want to give Hail Idrus the chance to hear and grow, but the cost of this surgery is out of our reach,” said Missie, a stay-at-home mother.
To give the toddler the opportunity to hear and grow, Star Foundation’s Medical Fund Programme has stepped in to raise funds for his cochlear implant surgery.
Donations can be made to Star Foundation’s Medical Fund via bank transfer to Public Bank account at 31-9984-9230, cheque payable to Star Foundation, or by credit or debit card on the Star Foundation’s website.
Excess funds will be used for future eligible patients.
For a tax-exemption receipt, donors can fill out the Medical Fund-Donation Form on the website.
Star Foundation is the charitable arm of Star Media Group. Since 2015, its Medical Fund has helped underprivileged individuals suffering from chronic illnesses by funding critical medical treatment and care.
For more information or to donate, visit starfoundation.com.my or e-mail starfoundation@thestar.com.my