Dwindling manhood after mumps
Complications of mumps are rare, but can also be detrimental.
Penile rehabilitation
Medications or 'exercises' may be needed to help men recover after surgery.
Vaginal tightening operations have debatable benefits
The intervention may be needed to provide better pelvic muscular control for greater sexual satisfaction.
Erectile dysfunction in young men
Dr G is put on the spot on why young men are going "soft" between the sheets.
Sizing up the manhood
Finding the right size condoms may be a big tricky and requires a great deal of honesty!
Parental dilemma on circumcision
Do the risks outweigh the benefits in elective circumcision?
The guilty pleasure of masturbation
It is associated with various unfounded adversities.
The gift of virility
I often look forward to Sunday, reading your articles on sexual health matters. You seem to be able to convey the taboo subjects of sexual health, with your unique style effectively. I think that is your gift!