On The Beat

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On The Beat

Crossing the red line

The Internet was supposed to make our lives easier, not more miserable.

On The Beat

Biting the bullet

If we tighten our belts now and ride the storm, the benefits could be worth it eventually.

On The Beat

Sweat and sweet

The spirit of sportsmanship and melodious music have always trumped toxic politicking.

On The Beat

Scalding stats

Climate change is no longer a buzz phrase but a lethal reality.

On The Beat

Fuelling reforms

Better late than never because Malaysia needs to avoid sinking into economic oblivion.

On The Beat

Fuel on the fire

Inflammatory remarks are exposing our weakened resolve for unity.

On The Beat

Law and order

No one can act with impunity and expect to escape the consequences.

On The Beat

Ties that bind

Let’s dispense with the Western narrative and embrace our centuries’ old friendship.

On The Beat

Language on the wane

Tradition and heritage are languishing in the face of modernity.

On The Beat

Just K.I.S.S.

In an era of digital disruptions and reduced attention span, everyone should learn this old journalistic adage: ‘Keep it short and simple’.

On The Beat

Fast food fiasco

Racism equates to ignorance, which is never palatable.

On The Beat

Not worth the gamble

Some stories should just be canned, even if they can make 'news'.

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