It's Just Politics

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It's Just Politics

A nightmare on PAS street?

DOES PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang know something we don’t?

It's Just Politics

Poll predictions from an unusual source

The columnist taps an 'analyst' for ideas on Malaysian politics.

It's Just Politics

Out of the mouths of politicians

“MUNGKIN”, meaning “could”, meaning a possibility, can lead to the darnedest statements.

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True colours shining through?

What will the crucial upcoming state elections reveal about the fragile new Unity Government?

It's Just Politics

The great nepotism debate

Is the controversial appointment of a former MP as a senior government adviser a public relations disaster? Will there be any political fallout from it?

It's Just Politics

Of sackings and suspensions

One of the country’s oldest political parties has been upended. How will voters respond to an Umno missing several big names?

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Simple Sabahan wishlist

It’s 2023 but the Bornean state still has problems with basic infrastructure.

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Sabah’s political gamblers

Don’t bet on the situation settling down in the Bornean state anytime soon.

It's Just Politics

A crisis of leadership?

Parties bearing the weight of a long history need fair contests for leaders that would allow them to renew themselves.

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The political path ahead

Welcome to 2023. Politically, it might be the most heated year yet for Malaysia.

It's Just Politics

How can Umno course correct?

The party that dominated Malaysian politics for decades lost badly in the last elections. Can it return to dominance? If so, how?

It's Just Politics

Time for the Red and Borneo wave?

Various hurdles loom for the Prime Minister but it looks like he can take them all in his stride.

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