KUALA LUMPUR: Forty people are still housed at temporary relief centres due to the floods in Johor and Pahang at 8am Monday.
In JOHOR, the State Disaster Management Committee chairman Tan Sri Dr Azmi Rohani, in a statement, said that 36 people from 11 families are at the Kampung Batu Badak Community Hall relief centre in Segamat.
He said the reading at the flood measuring point at the Sungai Muar Station, in Buloh Kasap, Segamat, recorded a receding trend at 8.68 metres, while Sungai Paya Dato in Mersing still exceeded the danger level at 1.50 metres.
In PAHANG, there is no change in the number of evacuees, with four people from two families still at the Kampung Baru Pertanian Community Hall relief centre in the Maran district.
According to the Drainage and Irrigation Department's Info Banjir portal, only Sungai Pahang at Lubuk Paku, Maran, recorded a reading that exceeded the danger level, at 18.21 metres and rising. - Bernama