The purpose of intrapreneurship is to make the team become partners, to transform those with a strong desire to succeed from being employees to shareholders, says Khiu.
HAVING had its “intrapreneurship” course certified as the “largest entrepreneurial lesson” by the Guinness World Records, OE Edutech has advanced to the next level.
This is the second time OE Edutech has made it to the Guinness World Records.
The first was for “most users to take an online leadership lesson in 24 hours”, which saw students from 12 countries participating in the event on Aug 31, 2021.
OE Edutech founder and chairman Datuk Wira Dr Calvin Khiu says the intrapreneurship course is a practical lesson for companies, both internal and external, which lets employees become shareholders to create a strong platform and base for the business.
Khiu says intrapreneurship is a new model redesigned by OE Edutech, emphasising that intrapreneurship is the highest level for a company to share profits and implement a commission scheme.
The purpose of intrapreneurship is to make the team become partners – to transform those with a strong desire to succeed from being employees to shareholders.
This is also the entrepreneurial model that OE Edutech and certain companies such as MK Curtain have practised and implemented in the past six years.
Khiu believes that in the future, companies will adapt to a 100% co-operation model with no employees, while more partner models will be seen in the market.
“The lack of talent in the market is the main problem for many business owners, but the fact is that employees’ work has changed – it’s not that the market is short of talents nor is there a shortage of people,” he says.
Intrapreneurship topics are mainly easy to learn and be implemented; there are no wild or dead theories, he says.
It is about the exploration of career development pathways, how to achieve a commission scheme, how to share, planning for the future, how to lead the team with the heart, and how to guide the team and nurture them into a entrepreneurship partner.
“It is not that young people don’t want to work; they just don’t want to work hard in an unhappy and a dissatisfied job.
“Entrepreneurs must try to understand that nowadays employees will never be satisfied with a traditional commission model and no matter how hard they work, it will not be enough for them.
“Satisfaction can only be matched by creating a core value of working for oneself, working for your own future and seeing what can be gained from your hard work,” says Khiu.
He adds that world-class companies such as Grab, Food Panda and J&T have very mature intrapreneurship systems, and MK Curtain also has implemented the new career pathway based on the intrapreneurship model.
Intrapreneurship is a new course developed by OE Edutech in 2022 and registration has passed the 1,000 people mark in a matter of a few weeks.
“I will share with entrepreneurs my past entrepreneurial experience, combined with successful case studies of the world’s top 500 businesses.
“In this new era of challenges and trials, I encourage entrepreneurs to lead their team with their heart – treating their team with sincerity.
“I hope this model can bring a new transformation to the market. Only this way can capable team members find their benefactors,” says Khiu.
Representatives from Guinness World Records look forward to OE EduTech setting more records in the future.
LTX Integrated founder Datuk Dr Wayne Huang and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) special project office vice-president Dr Karl Ng were present alongside 20 other witnesses during the largest Guinness World Records “entrepreneurial lesson” event.