The Star Says

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The Star Says

Make food security the country’s priority

WE are feeling the pinch as our food prices have been rising in recent weeks.

The Star Says

Act swiftly to prevent further data breaches

THE allegation that the personal data of 22.5 million Malaysians born between 1940 and 2004, purportedly from the National Registration Department (NRD), have been stolen and sold on the dark web is a serious concern.

The Star Says

Happy Teachers Day, Cikgu!

DOCTORS, lawyers, engineers and pretty much any professional you can think of, all have one thing in common: Good, dedicated teachers who inspired and nurtured them to pursue their dreams.

The Star Says

Every day should be Mothers Day for all mums

TODAY, the world celebrates and honours mothers for their roles in our lives, and especially all the sacrifices they make for their children.

The Star Says

United front on Jerusalem issue for the sake of peace

THE move by President Donald Trump to go ahead with the sensitive issue of pushing the agenda to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has brought about an overwhelming sense of unity against the leader of the world’s superpower.

The Star Says

Make more space in cities for people to walk

WHEN it is going well, a nation’s progress is like a steady, purposeful walk. Sometimes the pace quickens over a stretch, but it is still about moving ahead step by step, on its own power and with a natural rhythm.

The Star Says

Corruption has no place in any culture

LATELY, we have been seeing many photographs and a lot of video footage of handcuffed men and women in orange T-shirts bearing the words “Lokap SPRM”.

The Star Says

No country for old and sick people

WE are getting old. The statistics show Malaysia’s inevitable march towards a difficult milestone – that of an ageing nation.

The Star Says

Not healthy to depend too much on foreign labour

THE Cabinet has decided that the mandatory health checks to be carried out annually for registered foreign workers be reinstated. While this is commendable, it is a half measure at best.

The Star Says

Lessons for schools to learn from

IN schools, teachers teach and students learn. That is as basic as it gets, but sometimes, the most fundamental of things are the hardest to do.

The Star Says

Don’t let emotions get in the way of DLP

“WHEN we think about our country, the future of our country, the future of our students ... I feel very sad to see that many of our students, when they have finished school, they can’t even speak in English.” The words of SK Bukit Beruntung principal Nor Azian Abd Manan, as published on our front page yesterday, speak volumes.

The Star Says

Lower cost to ensure more licensed bikers

THEY can be deemed the young and the reckless. We see them often enough, zig-zagging through traffic on their motorcycles, sometimes even without their safety helmets on.

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