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Simple guide to success in Malaysia

SINCE everyone in this country is an expert in giving advice to everyone else, I thought I would join in and generously give my totally unsolicited counsel to all those aspiring to join cupboards or closets of any kind. Any likeness to anything familiar around us is naturally a complete coincidence.


Looking for positive inspiration

It’s great to meet youths who want to change things.


The anarchy of bad manners

Have we regressed to such a childlike state that name-calling, jeering and shoving are the only ways we can express rage?


It’s a troll’s world out there

Hiding behind self-proclaimed piety, they shout their indignation with name-calling, insults and insinuations.


When cultural appropriation is inappropriate

Taking on another culture could result in the obliteration of our own.


Tackling the Rohingya ‘problem’

We could have signed the United Nations Convention on Refugees and we could also have dealt with the source of the problem.


Disturbing tales from learning hubs

One involves an ‘anti-hysteria’ kit; the other a penchant for porn. Maybe what’s needed is a scientific cure, and not mere mumbo jumbo.


Battling Islamic State influence

If at home we don’t have any tolerance for people who disagree with us, how do we explain how IS treats differences in beliefs and views so violently?


Diversity begins at school

When children spend most of their waking hours only around those who are similar to them, they tend to believe that this environment represents the world.


A step closer to barbarism

Regardless of whether we can actually implement amputations, floggings and stoning, the mentality is already implanted.


The way to defend women’s rights

We don’t want you to just love us, we also want you to respect us as equals.


It all boils down to education

The root of all sorts of societal problems, including religious radicalism and violence, is in the schools.

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