Let kids be kids, for their sakes
Those As are important. But they are not everything. What we need is wholesome education for all.
English medium is no small matter
The Ruler of Johor is advocating the return of English-medium schools. It’s a call that should be heeded.
Huge clean-up needed in Penang
It could have been a freak of nature, a climate change factor or just plain human greed and bad planning. Whatever the reason, hard questions need to be asked.
A deeper meaning to a festival
It’s a good time to be Indian as Deepavali looms. The goodies are forthcoming but that is not what’s really important. What we really need is to embrace the spirit of Deepavali, to let light win over darkness, to let the good in us vanquish the divisive evil.
A need for more reason along with our religion
IT was Sunday. And I was with a bunch of friends when the sirens blared. A police patrol car went whizzing past, chasing down a mat rempit. Then, it fell silent.
Even with medals, not all that glitters is gold
A year ago today, Malaysia won a bronze at the Paralympics – its fourth medal – in Brazil. And the athletes who won were all rewarded. For one gold medallist in Rio, though, the gold medal and rewards may have led to his own undoing.
Spirit of Malaysia in an eventful week
From a walk for unity and the SEA Games leading up to National Day, the real Malaysia was on show in all its glory and glaring misgivings.
Let’s break the wall and build bridges
We have drifted apart, there’s no doubt about that. And, as a nation, we seem to be continuing on our divergent paths. But this is a month to cherish, when Malaysians can celebrate their nationhood, with sport and patriotism.
Getting a kick out of violence
Football is a sport loved by many, a sport that is a money-spinner all over the world. But it also evokes strong emotions – and violence. With the SEA Games around, it’s time to keep those emotions in check.
We should all believe and let live
There are many religions in this world, some mainstream, some outrightly weird. But the adherents have the right to believe in what they want without being attacked and ridiculed, as long as they practise their faith peacefully.
Lesson schools need to learn
The recent rampage outside schools has again highlighted a major problem with schools – the weaknesses in a system that overlooks poor performing students, making them easy targets for gangs.
Put the brakes on our road terrors
The Kejara demerit system swings into action tomorrow. It should deter traffic lawbreakers. But can it handle the ones in the kampung, residential areas and the dimly-lit main roads of Pasir Gudang and Kamunting?