Putting Dr G On The Spot

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Putting Dr G On The Spot

Pumping it up for a new breath of life

Dr George Lee shares some info about vacuum pump.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Shocking ED Solution

Dr George Lee talks about erectile dysfunction amongst youth.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

The ignorance of the tiger apothecary

I find your sense of humour appropriate when talking about sensitive men's health matters, without dampening the excitement.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Lubricating the friction between the sheets

Couples worrying about the use of personal lubricant, often put Dr. G on the spot for advice.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Toying times between the sheets

I am 34 years old and engage in a healthy sexual relationship with my girlfriend.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Igniting a Sexual Relationship

Dear Dr. G. I understand you are a urologist and are usually answering questions related to men but I hope that you can help me unravel some issues I have with my wife.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Making every sperm count

Some tips to help make every sperm count.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Prevention is cure for ED

I am a college student who just turned 22 and I am at the peak of my life.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

The ABCD of protection against HIV

It is difficult to put an exact risk of HIV transmission to different modes of sexual behaviour, as the viral load of the infected person is not always known.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

HPV does not have a gender bias

What exactly is HPV? Dr George Lee explains.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Can too much sex cause male infertility?

Many factors can influence how often people have sex. Relationship status, health, age, culture and religious beliefs all play important roles in the frequency of sexual encounters

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Myths and facts about masturbation

The 18th and 19th century theologians and physicians described the act of masturbation as heinous and deplorable, while the 20th century Western world considered it to be a normal part of sexual enjoyment.

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