Why Not?

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Why Not?

Money and madness in numbers

THE SPM exams have just ended. And the SPM exams are here again. Testing times just don’t seem to go away for our students.

Why Not?

Of politicians and ‘high speeds’

There are many things wrong with the country and a lot that needs to be done to turn things around, but it’s amazing that many of our politicians have their minds elsewhere.

Why Not?

Children pay for the sins of adults

Young ones have ended up losing a shot at fame, their dignity and their faith because of the irresponsible acts and decisions of the older folk.

Why Not?

A new direction, but the same director

Change, they say, is the only constant. And Malaysia has finally proved this right. The change the country is seeing is so exciting. For journalists, it’s the early 80s once more.

Why Not?

Street fights add punch to polls

The circus is in town. Shout it out from the streets – or just type out the messages in the impersonal cyberspace. It’s time for the (political) parties. The ringmasters, the pretty artistes and the acrobats are out in all their glory. Oh, and the clowns are here, too.

Why Not?

Hang on for a bumpy ride to May 9

SO the show begins. The dates for the long, long-awaited general elections are finally known. And already, the excitement is at fever-pitch.

Why Not?

No more fooling around

But it’s that time of the year - when fake news starts to fly like, well… flies.

Why Not?

A sea of garbage that won’t go away

The statistics are terrifying. There are more bits of plastic in our seas than there are stars in our galaxy. Very soon, even the fish will be outnumbered. The result? Catastrophe. All because of our plastics.

Why Not?

New year and an air of sorrow

Two Chinese New Years saw two sad events, with the passing of sports legends. But the greater sadness was the forgetfulness of Malaysians.

Why Not?

It’s the Year of the Pup – and hope

Life’s a bitch. These are heartbreaking times, with so many sad stories around us. However, as the Year of the Dog prances in, we can focus on the positive and see what we can do to help make things better.

Why Not?

A day of clouds, contrasts and conflicts

WHAT a Wednesday! Okay, what a rotten Wednesday.

Why Not?

Telling the story – the true story

At the base of the National Monument is an inscription: ‘To Our Glorious Dead and the Emergency’. It honours the people – of many races and many nationalities – who died fighting for this nation.

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