All The Pieces Matter

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All the pieces matter

Disturbing the peace

Why do some politicians insist on making trouble where none existed?

All the pieces matter

Don’t repeat Covid-19 mistakes

Unlike last time, we should open up much more cautiously, and avoid unnecessary elections.

All the pieces matter

Political scene in need of better solutions

Don’t let people get sick because of politics

All the pieces matter

Bridge more divides

If civil society builds more internal bridges, they will be an unstoppable force for a better Malaysia.

All the pieces matter

We have to do something

Staying desensitised to the worsening situation will only lead to more deaths.

All the pieces matter

Political solutions designed to fight Covid-19

TODAY, we are awash with rumours of the possibility that Parliament may be dissolved.

All the pieces matter

Can’t live in denial anymore

Desensitisation towards rising numbers of Covid-19 cases gives rise to complacency that threatens all our lives.

All the pieces matter

Red alert

DO you remember when the world was losing its mind over how bad the Covid-19 crisis in India?

All the pieces matter

#BangsaMalaysia dialogues

Building social capital, shared values for a shared identity, and rakyat-centric policies are core elements of nation-building.

All the pieces matter

It’s safer at home

Given how serious the crisis is, employers should let every single employee who can work from home.

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Smashing the culture of silence around underage sexual harassment

WHEN teenager Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam released a TikTok video about inappropriate sexual comments she heard in her school, the floodgates opened.

All the pieces matter

Reflections on the AstraZeneca opt-in exercise

The decision of the authorities to make the AstraZeneca vaccine a voluntary opt-in option for individuals living in the Klang Valley has proven to be an interesting phenomenon.

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