All The Pieces Matter

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All the pieces matter

Independent institutions, independent Malaysia

If we fail to ensure the independence of key institutions , then our hard-won ‘independence’ may become more and more of a mere facade.

All the pieces matter

GEG: Criminalise suppliers, not smokers

The GEG is genius; but its current form enables severe abuse of power, and penalises small fries instead of the big fish.

All the pieces matter

Remembering Khalid Ibrahim

A man who put integrity before politics.

All the pieces matter

Are ‘fighters’ the answer ?

That very much depends on what the question is.

All the pieces matter

Post-Johor extrapolations

IN political analysis, no one really has a crystal ball.

All the pieces matter

Democracy and stability

Post-Johor, what can America, Russia, and the war teach Malaysia about democracy and stability?

All the pieces matter

Pivoting on Putin

Autocracies wage war more ‘efficiently’ in the short term; but what happens in the long term? Is regime change needed in Russia?

All the pieces matter

Speaking Bahasa Malaysia internationally

When it was first announced that government officials should only use Bahasa Malaysia in official international functions, there was considerable backlash, at least among people whose first language was not Bahasa Malaysia.

All the pieces matter

Ranting kills, dialogue builds

The words we choose in a case like Loh’s determine whether we make a problem better or worse.

All the pieces matter

Is getting Omicron a big deal?

I put out a simple Tweet recently asking whether people were experiencing a spike in people they knew catching Covid-19.

All the pieces matter

Cancelling each other

Do we really want to be so angry at each other all the time?

All the pieces matter

Of minimum wage, income inequality and salary ratios

I WAS looking through some of my old Google Docs on the subject of new hires. In the document, we were looking at paying a fresh grad for an entry-level position about RM2,000.

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