Putting Dr G On The Spot

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Putting Dr G On The Spot

Getting the troubling moobs off the chest

Dear Dr. G, In the spirit of Pink October, I am hoping to get troubling matters off my chest.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Pink attitude for male breast cancer

I understand the month of October is generally dedicated to breast cancer awareness and as such I am curious as to whether or not the public is aware that breast cancer can also affect men.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Needling the penis back to life

When men tempted by shortcuts of needling the penis back to life put Dr G on the spot for an opinion.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

An awakening injection for an erection

Dr George Lee talks about erectile dysfunction and diabetes.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Pumping it up for a new breath of life

Dr George Lee shares some info about vacuum pump.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Shocking ED Solution

Dr George Lee talks about erectile dysfunction amongst youth.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

The ignorance of the tiger apothecary

I find your sense of humour appropriate when talking about sensitive men's health matters, without dampening the excitement.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Lubricating the friction between the sheets

Couples worrying about the use of personal lubricant, often put Dr. G on the spot for advice.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Toying times between the sheets

I am 34 years old and engage in a healthy sexual relationship with my girlfriend.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Igniting a Sexual Relationship

Dear Dr. G. I understand you are a urologist and are usually answering questions related to men but I hope that you can help me unravel some issues I have with my wife.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Making every sperm count

Some tips to help make every sperm count.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Prevention is cure for ED

I am a college student who just turned 22 and I am at the peak of my life.

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