On The Beat

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On The Beat

It’s a dirty job ...

... but somebody’s gotta do it. Malaysians must make sure that our kids are taught the importance of cleanliness from young.

On The Beat

United we stand

And we know exactly what happens if we’re divided.

On The Beat

All I want for Christmas ...

... is for good grace and love to permeate for a brighter future.

On The Beat

Best foot forward

It’s all tricky territory for our new PM, but with his cards played right, the future could be bright.

On The Beat

The worth of good service

Salary slashes and cash cuts – they may be academic, but it’s at least a start.

On The Beat

A new dawn begins

IT’S infinitely unnerving when politicians rely on a combination of race and religious issues to garner support.

On The Beat

Malaysia must move on

A new Prime Minister naturally brings new hope, but the goal remains the same – taking the nation back to the top.

On The Beat

Malaysia the winner

Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.

On The Beat

Unity government in store?

WITH barely a week to go before Malaysians hit the polls, the preliminary assessment is that the results will likely not be conclusive.

On The Beat

Bee in their bonnets

NO doubt, they are the big names in Umno, with positions at national, state and division levels, too.

On The Beat

The great DPM poser

WHY do we need two or three Deputy Prime Ministers? Aren’t we drowning with Ministers, Deputies and Special Envoys who barely make a ripple in the already bloated Cabinet?

On The Beat

Bumpy ride ahead

Strap yourselves in because GE15 will be far from smooth sailing.

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