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Credible Malaysian brain drain intervention long overdue

LATELY, there has been a credible focus by the current Malaysian administration to look carefully into the issue of the brain drain.


Are we surprised by Israel’s reaction?

ON Oct 9, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip.


Underemployment: The silent struggle impacting our workforce

UNDEREMPLOYMENT is a growing problem, especially among graduates, amidst the emergence of flexible gig work and the lack of job opportunities in the labour market.


Transboundary haze must be dealt with

Transboundary haze pollution continues to pose a major regional environmental issue in Southeast Asia member countries like Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia and to a lesser extent, Southern Thailand.


The Prophet's legacy: Peace, harmony and prosperity amidst a differing political landscape

The divine declaration states that Muhammad (p.b.u.h), is “rahmatul-lilalamien” which means that the Prophet was sent as a mercy (rahmah) to the world, the physical world, humanity as a whole and the world beyond the realm of reality, the meta-physical world of jinns and creations unknown to human perception.


How reforms, like Rome, must be built incrementally

THE history of Malaya, and ultimately Malaysia, is replete with examples of constant calls for reforms. Whether the spear of reforms is aimed at education, the mindset of Malays or Malaysians, the calls for change are endless.


Stay measured to move forward

“Berpada-pada” - Don’t overdo it. Don’t underdo it. Do it just right.


Governing for the precariat

For Malaysia to hold its social fabric coherently, and more narrowly for the unity ticket to win the 16th General Election, economic policies must be shaped to result in general prosperity from the bottom up.


Create a weight grade for rugby tournament as one size does not fit all

IT is hardly a month away and the rugby World Cup will kick off in France with the opening match on Sept 8 between New Zealand and France. The former won the Cup three times, the latter is on the hunt for their first.


Seizing opportunities to support the sliding ringgit

ASIAN stock markets and currencies continue to weaken at the back of risk appetite reduction in the context of murkier economic growth prospects in the region and the ongoing monetary policy tightening by the international central banks.


Likening humans to any kind of animals is derogatory

IN today’s article, as a Muslim and a Malaysian, I wish to respond to Tan Sri Hadi Abdul Awang’s latest writing that was published in the media.


Anwar comes full circle, completes what he started in 1982

Some Malaysians are disappointed with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who they think is treading a dangerous path by empowering the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim).

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