Chee (left) handing over the mock cheque to Nagendran (second from right) and Dr Narendran (third from right) at Bukit Tinggi Medical Centre. Looking on are BTMC chief executive officer Jasmine Lau (on Chee’s left) and other Rotary Club members.
EIGHTY-year-old Linda Chee donated RM10,000 to the Gift of Sight project in her husband’s memory.
The initiative by Rotary Club of Klang Central (RCKC) District 3300 is about making a difference by helping restore sight among the underprivileged.
Chee said her contribution to the Gift of Sight project was in remembrance of her late husband Tan Hin Toe, who died in March.
“I made this contribution out of love and to celebrate the life of my late husband,” she said.
“His happiness came from helping others.
“He believed the sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.
“So, this contribution to help the poor restore their eyesight would have brought him happiness,” she added.
Chee said she decided to lend a hand after reading a WhatsApp group post by Bukit Tinggi Medical Centre (BTMC) ophthalmologist and vitreoretinal surgeon Dr M. Narendran Muthukrishnan about her husband’s kindness.
“Dr Narendran was my husband’s doctor for more than a decade,” she said after handing over the RM10,000 mock cheque at BTMC in Bandar Bukit Tinggi, Klang in Selangor.
Gift of Sight involves providing free eye tests, spectacles and eye surgery for those who cannot afford treatment.
Dr Narendran described Tan as a wonderful and happy person who loved serving humanity, and said, “He is still doing it through his wife.”
RCKC District 3300 president Nagendran Thamboo, 62, said Chee’s contribution to the project would aid the club’s mission to restore vision through cataract surgery or by providing spectacles to the less fortunate.
“Her donation makes an immediate and impactful difference in the lives of people with little access to quality eyecare,” he added.