Cheng’s family home in Jinjang, destroyed in the January fire, has been sealed off.
A FAMILY whose house in Jinjang was razed by a fire, received a cash donation of RM10,000 from Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng.
Lim presented the money to the victim, Jamie Cheng Kok Mee, 44, who was accompanied by her 17-year-old daughter Jenice Tan.
The family’s house caught fire on Jan 21.
“My neighbour told us that he did not notice the fire until it was too late, as the fire occurred in the kitchen while he was in the living room,” said Cheng.
“My house is sealed off and we have been offered shelter at Sri Delima Sports Complex, by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).
“We also just received news that we have been granted temporary residence for the next six months at a People’s Housing Project (PPR) flat in Kepong,” she said, adding that she would be staying there with her 81-year-old mother and two teenage daughters.
Cheng said her house was a cherished family home that belonged to her grandfather.
“In the past, four generations of our family lived in this house. It held immense value for us and is filled with memories.”
The incident had significant impact on her family’s mental well-being, she said, particularly on her mother who is suffering from dementia.
Cheng was relieved that she had not spent money on house decorations for Chinese New Year before the fire occurred, as then it would have gone up in smoke too.
She expressed gratitude for the cash aid, adding that the money would be helpful in easing the family’s burden.
Lim said he was happy that he could provide financial aid to the family, and commended his team for helping out Cheng’s family.
In conjunction with Chinese New Year, he encouraged Malaysians to help people in need.
“You don’t have to go far.
“You just need to observe the people around you and help them out in any way you can, such as financial aid and donating food,” Lim said, adding that this would cheer people up and lift their spirits.