
Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024


  • Board : Main
  • Stock Code : 5315
  • 52 Week High : 0.730
  • 52 Week Low : 0.475
Open High Low Last Chg Chg % Vol ('00) Buy/Vol ('00) Sell/Vol ('00)
0.510 0.515 0.510 0.515 0.005 0.98 420 .515 / 2,161 .520 / 3,863

Updated : 23 Oct 2024 | 1:07 PM

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* Stock chart by TradingView

Financial Results

Year End
QTR Period End Revenue
RM (,000)
RM (,000)
23 Aug 202431 Mar 2025130 Jun 202498,8099,9471.00
21 May 202431 Mar 2024431 Mar 2024158,28720,6712.07
26 Feb 202431 Mar 2024331 Dec 2023171,16525,0532.51
22 Nov 202331 Mar 2024230 Sep 2023148,33419,0382.53
28 Aug 202331 Mar 2024130 Jun 2023210,82141,9437.32

* The Star uses TradingView technology to display price on charts. TradingView is a charting platform for a global community of traders and investors. Supported by robust technologies across browser, desktop and mobile apps, the platform provides unparalleled access to live data such as the Dow Futures chart, the latest financial news, comprehensive financial reports, and a range of useful tools, including the economic data calendar and screeners.