The integrated engineering, contracting and maintenance services firm
KUALA: Oil and gas services company Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd is taking up a 25% stake in a joint-venture company in Tanzania to set up and run a chlor-alkali plant.
It said on Monday this follows a JV agreement with Junaco (T) Ltd to set up a 45 tonne per day chlorine skid mounted chlor-alkali plant in Msufini area in Tanzania in October 2017.
The JV company Sufini Holding Ltd is a special purpose vehicle to hold 100% of equity in Msufini (T) Ltd, which in turn will own the plant directly and also provide assistance and support to Msufini
According to Wikipedia, the chloralkali process is an industrial process for the electrolysis of sodium chloride. It is the technology used to produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide (lye/caustic soda), which are commodity chemicals required by industry.
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