On The Beat

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On The Beat

Pooch and prejudice

Some animals are viewed unfavourably, but Malaysians have proven to be the sort of people to put reason and maturity above all.

On The Beat

The truth is out there

Malaysia is much more complex than meets the eye as we are not just about big cities. The real fight during the elections will be in the rural areas.

On The Beat

Spotlight on the voice of youth

Instead of talking down to young Malaysians, the time has come to simply listen to their hopes and dreams.

On The Beat

For the love of country

The involvement of non-Malays in the war against communists is well-documented. Many, including family members, paid with their lives. This is basic knowledge, but apparently it’s news to Ismail Mina Ahmad.

On The Beat

Only the brave teach

We are told that old methods do not apply anymore, not at school today. But during my time at school, one tight slap worked just fine.

On The Beat

A time to ponder

UTSJOKI is a tiny, remote county in the northernmost part of Finland and is one of the coldest places on Earth.

On The Beat

The storm over Jerusalem

For Trump to make this move at a time when many are thinking of the Holy Land – as they celebrate the birth of Christ – hardly makes sense.

On The Beat

The royalty and Dr Mahathir

There is no question that the former prime minister has done much for Malaysia. But one important lesson for all politicians is this: Leaders come and go. Rulers stay.

On The Beat

A living legend from Guangdong

From the land of Sun Yat Sen and Ip Man, a new giant has emerged; one who has changed the face of real estate in China and other countries.

On The Beat

Fearing the death of a dialect

Like most Penangites who are proud of their heritage, the writer is troubled that Hokkien isn’t spoken as much as it used to be.

On The Beat

The multi-plot in politics

As the clock ticks towards GE, it’s getting harder to read between the lines in Malaysian politics.

On The Beat

Go ahead, make that choice

Every individual has the right to choose how he or she wants to dress. And we don’t need the authorities, whether secular or religious in nature, to interfere in this very personal aspect of our life.

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