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Growing Melaka’s tourism beyond historic city centre

TOURISM players and hoteliers in Melaka are beaming as holidaymakers flock to the historic city.


54-hour road closures ‘bad for business’

BACK in September 2023, a seasoned hotelier sang praises of the Melaka Chief Minister when a group of friends decided to hang out at a restaurant to catch up with the latest happenings in the state.


Making volunteerism attractive to youths

On Oct 11, a doctor friend invited me for a drink at a restaurant in Klebang Besar, Melaka, to chat about the conflict in the Middle East.


Jonker risks losing its charm

A CHILDHOOD friend decided to bring his family for a trip to the iconic Jonker Street over one weekend, with the intention of showing his children Melaka’s historic attractions.


Beware nature’s displeasure

Locals believe divine intervention led to failure of several development projects in Melaka.

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