On The Beat

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On The Beat

Mad media mania

The US is afraid a social media platform, perceived as a ticking timebomb, is about to explode in an expose of its nation.

On The Beat

Don’t blame the media

That’s sound advice for anyone, more so politicians who shoot from the hip in a plural society.

On The Beat

Let diversity unite

The universality of belief systems is all that’s good and wholesome, yet naysaying politicians find holes to poke.

On The Beat

Mountains and molehills

Religion is one of the most unifying powers, yet it can also go horribly wrong.

On The Beat

Economic ecosystem

There’s an air of uncertainty about our post pandemic world, but the right decisions usually yield ideal results.

On The Beat

Poser parade

It’s difficult to see a recent gathering as a cultural event or something in the name of national unity.

On The Beat

Passé protocols

MINISTER Hannah Yeoh did something unique recently by turning up ahead of an event’s scheduled start and getting straight to the point.

On The Beat

Voice of reason

All hail our Royalty for instilling logic in the face of multiracial confusion.

On The Beat

Caught in the act

Apparently, we can’t tell the difference between people’s roles when they switch hats.

On The Beat

Aptitude for ineptitude

It’s easy to understand how a spark can turn into an explosion when poor communication is the fuse.

On The Beat

Mother’s nurture

Losing our parents is easily one of life’s most traumatic experiences, so treasure their time with us.

On The Beat

A dog’s life

EVEN in ancient times, they were treated better. Here we are in 2023, as sophisticated as mankind has ever been, yet compassion is neither compulsory nor a courtesy. It’s simply unacceptable. Even convicted murderers and rapists in prison are treated better than the dogs at a shelter.

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