Putting Dr G On The Spot

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Putting Dr G On The Spot

Cranking up the sex drive naturally

Dr George Lee talks about sex drive, also known as libido.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Understanding and addressing male infertility issues

Dear Dr G, My wife and I, both in our early thirties, have been trying for a baby since we got married three years ago.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

A New Year's resolution, a better diet for prostate health

We recently welcomed the New Year, and many of us have embraced New Year resolutions.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Are morning erections normal?

Dear Dr G, I'm a 25-year-old dealing with the embarrassing issue of morning wood.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Does excessive sex affect erectile rigidity?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to attain and/or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Addressing myths about sexual frequency and fertility

I greatly admire your sense of humour when dealing with taboo subjects of sexual health in a conservative country like Malaysia.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Orgasmic protection from prostate cancer

I read with amusement some news that was sent to me recently.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Debunking myths before the snip

My wife and I are blessed with two beautiful children, both in their teens. I have nightmares about her getting pregnant again, as the twins were born prematurely, and both my wife and I had a terrible experience.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Positive mindset for palliative treatment of prostate cancer

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few months ago.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Robotic surgery: A breakthrough in prostate cancer treatment for younger patients

I am delighted to learn you have dedicated this November to Prostate Cancer Awareness.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

A plea for clarity on prostate cancer

I understand you are featuring prostate cancer for Movember, Men's Health Month this November.

Putting Dr G On The Spot

Movember November to keep the prostate in check

Dear Dr G, I have been waiting all year to build up the courage to ask you about prostate cancer. Truthfully, I am terrified to discuss this subject, so what better time to do it than in Men's Health November?

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