On The Line

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On The Line

The sports commissioner – from the enforcer to the registrar

The Attorney General of Sports. The sheriff. The enforcer.These were some of the terms used to describe the role of the Sports Commissioner, which came into being after the Sports Development Act 1997 was established in January 1998.

On The Line

Which do we preserve – the stadium or the Merdeka tournament?

AS the 66th anniversary of Merdeka draws closer, one iconic event synonym with the historic occasion is making a comeback. However fleeting, I suspect.

On The Line

Resetting the button – a matter of timing

IN sports, like business, it is all about timing – whether in the arena or the boardroom.

On The Line

Misbun – enigmatic and eccentric champion coach – in the eyes of the public

“WHAT is your mother’s name?”. The question was posed to this writer by Datuk Misbun Sidek as he was preparing to insert a needle into my right toe.

On The Line

Someone must be held responsible for disgraceful act of violence in FA Cup final

THE powers-that-be have been either awfully quiet or obtuse in the wake of a disgraceful act that defiled the FA Cup final at the Sultan Ibrahim Stadium a week ago.

On The Line

Hanapiah and Sathia planted trees under whose shade they will never sit

IN the space of two days over the past week, the nation mourned the demise of two coaches who rose to the top of their professions.

On The Line

Gnanalingam’s place in history assured – in the world of sports and ports

AT one time, Malaysia’s elite athletes were keen to shed the tag “Jaguh Kampung” coined by certain segments of the sportswriting fraternity.

On The Line

Stop trading our citizenship for mediocre foreign talent

TRADITIONALLY, we believe the citizenship we are born with is what we have for life.

On The Line

NFDP should not be made a pawn to gain mileage for political purposes

ALMOST a decade back, football’s world governing body FIFA conducted an organisational review on the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) aimed at obtaining insights which were then interpreted, analysed and processed for the benefit of the domestic game.

On The Line

Swimming’s Nurul Huda and athletics’ Zaki – a study in contrasts

CHANGE is a process, not an event. It can be a lengthy undertaking or otherwise. Entrepreneur gurus advocate micro speed, macro patience – the need to work hard every day, allied with tons of patience while enjoying the process.In sports, there is a predictable pattern in the ecosystem.

On The Line

RTG can be successful entity without relying on NSC funding

A QUOTE widely attributed to French philosopher, Voltaire, was often cited by academician-turned-politician-turned sports administrator, Tan Sri Dr Ibrahim Saad, in engaging the Press at the height of his powers.

On The Line

Azizul’s audacity is part of his winning package

IN his astonishing cycling career so far, two incidents define Azizulhasni Awang’s winning mentality - the horrific injury he sustained in Manchester in 2011 and being back on the pedal so soon after an open-heart surgery last year.

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