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Dubai Move - for real or a mirage?

DID the Dubai Move have something to do with what is known as the silly season?


Penang CM in direct line of fire

The goodwill that greeted Chow when he rose to the top job in Penang is being washed away by a black swan in the form of an unprecedented water crisis.


Mat Sabu survives pressure to go

DATUK Seri Mohamad Sabu did not lose his sense of humour despite the tremendous pressure leading to his re-election as Amanah president.


Sparks fly from DAP figures

Mismatched priorities and goals continue to stir issues between DAP and Umno in their new marital household.


Ripples ahead of Royal arrival

THE Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, is one of the most media savvy Royals among the nine Malay Rulers.


Anwar shows he is a 'listening PM'

THERE had been concern that the much-awaited Cabinet reshuffle would turn out to be another case of moving the furniture around the living room but it was a major shake-up.


Umno ignores Malay opinion about the party

The devastating election outcome in Kemaman, the latest in a string of setbacks, seems to have left little urgency for change in Umno.


Game-changing victory for PAS

The landslide victory for PAS in Kemaman signals that the green wave has not subsided and that Umno is in danger of being wiped out in other states.


Zahid’s retirement - for real or testing the wind?

THE health of Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been a trending topic amid speculation that he may be riding into the sunset.


Loke has a lot on his plate

DAP leaders need to convince their Chinese base that the party is still their champion and that it has their interests at heart.


Tied up in a Chinese knot

The Chinese base is still with Anwar but the new political reality is sinking in and discontent is growing over the government’s stand on domestic and international issues.


Hidden hands stir trouble for Bersatu

The string of Bersatu MPs switching support away from their party has been perceived as a scheme to undermine the position of Muhyiddin and pressure him to step aside.

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