In a statement issued yesterday, the SC said the Cabinet Special Committee on Anti-Corruption (JKKMAR) had approved its recommendation to require listed companies to put in place anti-corruption measures and a framework to promote the effective discharge of directors
KUALA LUMPUR: The Securities Commission's learning and development arm has launched the Capital Market Competency Management System (CMS), an online platform that centralises Industry Competency Framework (ICF), assessment and development acitivities on a common hub.
The Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC) said in a statement that the CMS facilitates continuous professional development of the capital market industry by offering assessment of competencies as prescribed by the ICF and identifying learning and development interventions.
"Based on the ICF, the CMS empowers individuals and/or corporations to assess and identify their own or their employees’ existing competency levels and development areas," it said.
The CMS is set to be a game changer for capacity building and professional development of the Malaysian capital market.
It will feature the ICF repository, a Self-Assessment Tool, and a personalised development guide (the Development Advisor) based on the individual’s self-assessment report that includes suggested training courses as well as self-directed learning elements.
"CMS is a disruption tool which can help overcome the insurmountable challenges and pave the map for the unknowns.
"Not only the future employees will be able to get themselves ready for the market, but the culture of lifelong learning is ingrained in the mindset of existing employees,” said SIDC CEO Sharifatul Hanizah Said Ali.
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