Singapore money laundering suspect’s link to Sentosa: He frequented golf club, partied on yacht, owned homes on island

Cypriot national Su Haijin enjoyed meals at Sentosa Golf Club and was spotted on a yacht berthed at One°15 Marina in Sentosa Cove. PHOTOS: JASON QUAH, ST FILE, WECHAT

SINGAPORE: Membership at one of Singapore’s most expensive clubs, private dining rooms, parties on a yacht and ownership of pricey handbags and watches.

The 10 individuals arrested in an anti-money laundering blitz last week had a taste for the good life, which extended beyond their collection of luxury cars.

Checks by The Straits Times showed that Cypriot national Su Haijin, 40, enjoyed meals at Sentosa Golf Club, where the cost for a foreigner to join the club is believed to be around $950,000 at present.

He was also spotted on a yacht berthed at the One°15 Marina at Sentosa Cove, and owned homes there.

For Singapore citizens and permanent residents, membership at the Sentosa Golf Club costs around $500,000.

Foreigners pay about $500,000 for membership at Singapore Island Country Club (SICC) and $280,000 at Tanah Merah Country Club.

At least two of the 10 individuals, who were originally from Fujian, China, are members of Sentosa Golf Club.

A club membership broker, who spoke to ST on condition of anonymity, said there has been chatter in the golf and social club community following the blitz last Tueday.

“There was this one particular group that was very loud (at Sentosa Golf Club), and everyone knows about the group because they liked to show off,” he said.

He added that several of the individuals arrested were seen frequenting exclusive golf and social clubs.

“In the last two to three years, we have noticed a trend of rich foreigners coming to Singapore and buying up club memberships and big cars,” he said.

According to the Sentosa Golf Club’s bi-monthly magazine, the two individuals had joined the club between April and September 2021.

One of them holds a valid golf handicap, according to checks via the Singapore Golf Association’s Centralised Handicapping System.

Two other individuals linked to the case also hold golf handicaps, but their names could not be found in Sentosa Golf Club’s magazines.

The four men were among 10 individuals arrested in the islandwide blitz, which saw about $1 billion in assets seized, frozen or issued prohibition of disposal orders.

The order prevents the sale of assets.

The assets, which were owned by the individuals under investigation or by companies and people linked to them, included 105 properties worth $831 million.

The properties comprise seven detached bungalows at Sentosa Cove, 79 condominium units – 19 of which are under construction – and 19 commercial or industrial spaces.

Several of the 10 people, who were charged last Wednesday with different offences, including forgery and money laundering, are related either by birth or marriage.

The two individuals, who are members of Sentosa Golf Club, were also often seen on a yacht, which was berthed at the One°15 Marina in Sentosa Cove as at Saturday. ST PHOTO: JASON QUAHThe two individuals, who are members of Sentosa Golf Club, were also often seen on a yacht, which was berthed at the One°15 Marina in Sentosa Cove as at Saturday. ST PHOTO: JASON QUAH

Yacht parties

The two individuals who are members of Sentosa Golf Club were also often seen on a yacht, which was berthed at the One°15 Marina at Sentosa Cove as at Saturday.

The individuals hosted parties on the vessel, which, according to an online vessel finder, had made a number of short trips between July and August 2023.

The marina is a short walk from where Zhang Ruijin, 44, and Lin Baoying, 43, were arrested at a bungalow at Pearl Island. The two, a couple, are among the 10 accused of playing a role in a billion-dollar money laundering scheme.

Some of the handbags seized are worth more than $100,000 each.

The cars included Bentleys, Range Rovers, and a Rolls-Royce Dawn and Rolls-Royce Phantom. Listings on car sales portals showed that such models are on sale at prices in excess of $1 million, with some priced closer to $3 million.

Su, who was seen at the Sentosa Golf Club and the marina, often dined in private rooms at restaurants in town, ST learnt.

He was arrested last Tuesday at his residence at a good class bungalow in Ewart Park, Bukit Timah, and charged with resisting arrest the next day.

A total of $2.1 million in cash, 13 properties, five luxury vehicles, and a collection of wine and liquor are linked to the case against him.

The others arrested in the blitz are:

Su Baolin, 41, a Cambodian national who is Su Haijin’s brother, is one of those in remand, and has been charged with using a forged document.

Su Wenqiang, 31, a Cambodian national charged with money laundering.

Su Jianfeng, 35, a Vanuatu national who faces a money laundering charge.

Wang Dehai, a 34-year-old Cypriot national charged with one count of money laundering.

Wang Baosen, 31, a Chinese national charged with money laundering.

Vang Shuiming, also known as Wang Shuiming, 42, a Turkish national charged with forgery.

Chen Qingyuan, 33, a Cambodian national charged with money laundering.

Zhang Ruijin, 44, a Chinese national charged with forgery.

Lin Baoying, 43, a Chinese national, and the only female who was arrested in the group, charged with forgery.

The cases against all 10 are expected to be heard in court again on Wednesday. Police, who are speaking to 12 other individuals, said eight other suspects are on the run.- THE STRAITS TIMES /Asia News Network

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