Customers use their smartphones as they wait inside a Xiaomi corp. service center in Bengaluru, India, on Thursday, March 30, 2017. Once compared with Apple Inc. for its sleek smartphones and charismatic leadership, Chinese startup Xiaomi is seeking an image makeover as it tries to recover from a sales-growth slide. Photographer: Dhiraj Singh/Bloomberg
NEW DELHI: India has a WiFi addiction problem. The Norton WiFi Risk Report by security firm Symantec Corporation suggests that not only do Indians take significant risks to hook on to a free WiFi connection at public places, but are also generally very careless about what data and content they are accessing on their smartphones, tablets and laptops when connected with these networks.
The numbers do not make for pretty reading. The Norton WiFi Risk Report suggests that Indians are impatient to latch on and get connected on a free WiFi hotspot in a public place.
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