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Ways to manage chronic prostatitis
I email you with alarming concerns about my sexual performance.
UTIs dampen desire for intimacy
I read with interest how honeymoon cystitis can affect the newlywed and raise concerns of trust in a relationship.
Bumpy Road to the path of romance
I am emailing about an embarrassing problem a newlywed couple, my wife and I, are facing.
Don't blame it all on testosterone
Dear Dr G, I am 30 years' old and married with two kids.
Testosterone and the bulging prostate
I am emailing you about a strange problem that my husband has been experiencing since he turned 50.
Testosterone and androgenic alopecia
Dr G talks about the link between testosterone and male pattern baldness.
Menopausal woman can't cope with horny husband in an empty house
Dear Dr G, My husband and I are both 54 and have been married for nearly 25 years.
Painful bladder and sexual struggle
Dear Dr G, I email you with alarming concerns of what’s happening to me.
Can prostatitis dampen sexual performance?
I email you with alarming concern about what is happening to my prostate.
Ways to control an overactive bladder
Dr George Lee talks about overactive bladder.
Nocturnal visits to the bathroom and a wilting manhood
Dear Dr G, I am hoping to get something off my chest regarding my worsening nocturnal visits to the bathroom.