Sharing The Nation

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Sharing The Nation

Cut out the charade

Malaysia can be a ready-made lab to work out God’s message of diversity and plurality if it is translated into deeds.

Sharing The Nation

It’s not a zero-sum game

The current public debate on the Sedition Act must take into consideration what the law says on what shall be deemed as ‘not seditious’.

Sharing The Nation

Reassert the ties that bind us

THIS country belongs to all of its citizens. No one group owns it. Tunku Abdul Rahman pledged it. Tun Razak Hussein reiterated it. Our political leaders have all believed in it and it is on this basis that the independence era ethnic-based political parties came together in a coalition to run this country.

Sharing The Nation

The elusive happy factor

The findings of the World Happiness Report are important as they serve as early warning signs to governments.

Sharing The Nation

Ripe for the plucking

Tackle the real issue behind how and why young Malaysian men become indoctrinated into extremist ideology.

Sharing The Nation

Let's not be hoodwinked into hudud

Malaysians who support the hudud law should be looking at Tunisia as it tries to build what could be a model of democracy in the Arab world.

Sharing The Nation

To change or not to change

A strategic option for Barisan Nasional relates to the clear signal from the last two general elections.

Sharing The Nation

Power to us, the people

Too many among us have kept quiet for too long while our democracy was being trampled. It is time now to stand up and be counted.

Sharing The Nation

Much ado about ethnic relations

What went wrong over the past decades that today we need to establish yet another National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) to bring this country together?

Sharing The Nation

New BEE is from same old mould

There is need for a thorough evidence-based review of Malaysia’s affirmative action policies that began with noble objectives 40 years ago.

Sharing The Nation

Only in Malaysia: where we have gone wrong with fatwa

Fatwa are only advisory opinions to guide a Muslim to lead a life according to Islam.

Sharing The Nation

Don’t chase after pyrrhic victories

Both sides of the political divide must work together for the very survival of this country.

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